
Please post your feedback, questions and comments here.


  1. a r bhatti says:

    i was looking to help my sona t university in north wales,uk, and have just sent him your qibla finder program

    with duas for you and the ummah

    rashid bhatti

  2. Ali says:

    I recently had this website forwarded to me, and I wasn’t sure if I was praying the right direction. With this website I was able to confirm it. Thank you for this website. This will help me tremendously no matter where I go.

    Ali U.S.A

  3. Hussain says:

    My God! You guyz saved me in the month of ramadan, thank you so much for this great tool. May Allah bless you all associated with this project

  4. Mubin Khan says:

    Assalam Alaikum,

    Very amazing work, it really helped us in finding that we were praying in the wrong direction for a long time. Thanks a lot once again.

    Jaza kamullah Khair,

  5. juzer gunja says:

    Salam Alaikum,

    Extremely useful site. Helped me to locate exact direction However I find that my Mumbai address cannot be found on the site. Is India not included so far?

  6. sabera roshanali says:

    Thank you for the great job. I will share this information with others.

  7. faizel says:

    What a great tool!!

    Just one feature which im sure will help lots of people is it possible to add a cirle thing so we can turn the map round. This will help in getting our bearings right. eg if a high st is physically to my left but on map its on right id like to turn map so i get my qibla direction better.

  8. Moien Butt says:

    Assalamu alaikum. thank you for simplifying a task and making it available to every one. a great job.
    Although some persons have reasons for extreme precision in determining the direction of Qiblah but for day to day usage Muslims only need a reasonably accurate general direction. your program has solved both issues.

    May Allah SWT reward you with the best in this world and in the Hereafter, for helping many of us (architects and travelers)- Ameen.

    To those who wish to incorporates a link to this program on their site my request is that please do not forget to acknowledge Ibn Masood for his efforts and make a prayer for him.

    Wassalamu alaikum. Moien

  9. RB says:

    Assalam Alaikum,

    Just a quick note to thank you for this fantastic tool. May Allah bless you for your noble efforts!


  10. Assalamualaykum.

    This is really fantastic. When out and about, I can use my mobile phone to get an accurate Qibla direction.

    Thank you for your efforts.

    I have placed the site in a Iframe as suggested above in our webisite – and it works perfectly!!!

  11. Assem says:

    Asalaamu Alaikum,

    JazakAllah for the application, it is very helpful.

  12. Dear bro Ibn Masu’d

    Assalamualaikkum varah,
    You have been done marvel as job, its amazing it helps Musafer (traveller) very much may Allah reward you InshaAllah

    Thanks lot
    Khalid Sydney Australia

  13. Mohamed Ahmed says:

    Keep up the good Technology Ideas Team.

    This site has helped me identify the correct direction of the Qibla.

    You will get many blessings from Allah for this Noble Cause.

    Keep it up with the Google.


  14. Ahmad says:

    Hi Everyone there.

    Qiblalocator doesn’t work for north America at all, I live in New Jersey and when I put my zip code the Qiblalocator drew a line for me and when I zoomed it out the line was pointing towards Iceland not Saudi Arabia, the website administers should check this out for themselves.

  15. This is great, muslims can get the direction to pray in where in the world where they have a computer. This is good bida (innovation) and we as Muslims should use it.

  16. inung fatoni says:

    assalamu`alaikum wr wr

    there is very very good for every muslim.

  17. Abu Fajr says:

    Asalamualaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu

    May Allah reward you for this great service you have provided to the ummah.

    I have always had doubt with my magnetic and rather inconsistent qibla compasses. I now realise I have been out of line for the past 30 years or so.

    JazakAllah khairan wa barakAllah fee


  18. Mariam says:

    Really neat idea and soooooo handy!

    Shukran for your efforts towards the betterment of the Ummah! May The Almighty reward you and your family in abundance and grant you success in this world and the next! Aameen.

  19. Abdullah Zaid says:

    Assalaamu Alaikum, May Allah reward you for this endeavor, it is definitely worthwhile. I am in MD, Zip 20744 and Qibla-Locator indicates that the direction of the Qibla is northeast, however when I look at a map and a globe I see that the Qibla is actually Southeast of my location. Please explain your calculations and how this is derived as I am having a hard time validating your application when I look at a map.
    May Allah continue to bless for your efforts.


  20. Hatem says:

    Thank you, this is one of the greatest tools I have seen in a very long time, it works like a charm and is very helpfull

  21. Ahmad says:

    During Ramadan when I check your web site and tried to locate the Qibla for state of New jersey USA it was showing me Iceland as the qibla and I posted a comment asking you to check the accuracy of the Qibla locator, but since my comment pointed a mistake on your side you removed it. I don’t think it is Islamic to deceive the people and cover the truth, the qibla locator doesn’t work for northeast America !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Khasim Abdul Mateen MOHAMMAD says:

    Salamou Alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh,

    My dear Brother, I’m an Indian Engineer working in Belgium.
    MashaAllah, Your work is simply awesome, Wonderful. This is really helpful. May Allah reward you in this life and the HereAfter. Aameen.

    I have my zip code as 6041. But when I just put 6041, I’m directed towards Australia, while mine is 6041, Charleroi, Belgium. So I think Country is mandatory with Zip code.

    I hope you would not mind me forwarding your Qibla locator to my contacts. It is a great tool. Jazakallah khair. Wassalaam.

  23. Raza Hyder says:

    Salaam Alaikum Brother,

    Subhan Allah. You have done an excellent and ever rewarding job, not only in this world but hereafter.

    Im in a hotel in Toronto and was the prayer time and you have helped me finding the Qibla, sooooo very easy. I will not forget you in my prayers.

    Keep doing the good job.

    Raza Hyder – Toronto

  24. Jeebah says:

    Perfect Masha’Allah, I will book mark it on my itouch so when Im wireless I can use. I recommend those with the iphone to do the same.

  25. Bashir says:


    Congratulations. This is very commendable. Its works fine. I have Apple Mac and the browser is Safari. So far I have just tried the locations I already know just to check if it points accurately and it does!

    Mat Allah SWT Bless you.

    Keep the good work going.

  26. Ahmed Rizwan says:

    May Allah bless you for this amazing tool which has solved many an argument. Too bad I can’t use it on my iPhone’s Safari browser but it is still very handy. Jazak Allah Khairun.

  27. Suhel Teli says:

    Dear Brother:


    Somebody forwarded me your qibla locater link. Mashallah I was very happy and pleased with this work.

    Just as a suggestion to make this work even more benefitting to the ummah, I think if you could get this “ENDORSED” or “CERTIFIED” by some MUFTIS and ULAMA, it would be even better.

    I am not sure where you are, but if you are in the US, I think you should contact Shariah Board in Chicago (Mufti Nawalur Rahman Saab, etc.), or maybe even Mufti Desai Saab of S. Africa ( or (from UK).

    If you could get them to comment on your work, more peopple would use it, and they would even inform others about your work.

    Jazakallahu Khayraa.

    Was salaam
    Suhel Teli

  28. Abdul samad says:

    Asalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

    May Allah (SWT) reward you and your family for an excellent contribution to the Muslim Ummah. This will be a great Aid to those seeking a proper direction of the Qibla. Is there a possibility of allowing search by Latitude & Longitude, as it would help those who are in remort locations not covered by the maps.

    Jazakallahu Khayran

    Abdul Samad

  29. Zakaria Elnatour says:


    This website is very usefull, now we can find Qebla
    and also finding locations.

    Thank you for this good job.


  30. Thank you for a great service,so functional, so easy to use.

  31. Q Ali says:

    Your Qibla Locator works as a charm! Well done and very useful.

  32. Khaled says:

    Assalamu Alikum,

    Very nice. May Allah reward you for your effort.


  33. Abdul says:

    Slam brooo,

    thanks a million man this is soooooooo helpfun and so simple!!!

    THANKS and may Allah reward you for this 🙂


  34. Abu Omar says:

    I have a development suggestion for ease of use:
    if there are two locations with the same name, the search engine gives only one of them and no way to reach the other through the search command. for instance: there are two locations named (Duma) one in Sudan and one in Syria, the search engine givs only the one in Sudan.
    The same thing for (Harasta) one in Syria and one in USA.
    I suggest if the search results are listed in the margin so the user specifies which one he is looking for / OR if you make it possible for the search box to accept strings like:( Syria, Duma) or (Syria, Harasta)
    Wajazakallahu khairan

  35. e_ says:

    Thank you for this excellent effort. I noticed that the direction in some places is not correct. For example, when I type Seattle, the red line point towards the north east!!.

    Please advise.

  36. MSA at UM says:


    Your Qibla Locator service is great. May God bless you and reward you with all the “Khayr”.

  37. Shumaila Farooqui says:

    Alhamdolillah, this is so good & spot on.

    It brought up my street in Sydney Australia in a second & verified what i knew to be the correct Qibla direction.

    May the Almighty be very pleased with you & bless you all immensely. (AAmeen)

    Please carry on aligning Islam & our daily Muslim routines with whatever goodness & convenience technology has to offer.

    Best Regards:

  38. Diaur Rahman Ahmed says:

    God bless you,keep up the good work,h,you have the brain,alhamdulillah,use it!

  39. Zakir says:


    Masha-allah your quibla calc. is awesome. You guys are truely blessed. Every travelling Muslim using your tool (worldwide) thanks you and your efforts for providing us with an answer to the most challenging question “where is quibla?”. My job entails frequent travelling and your calculator has proved to be invaluable. I’ve often used inaccurate compasses, and often guessed! But this is great.


    Keep up the good work.

  40. Monjur says:

    Assalamu alaikum, great work brother, may Allah grant you place in heaven for your effort.


  41. Murshed says:

    i have a good suggestion that i think it will be useful. i wish to find the direction of the qibla directly when i enter the qibla locator site without the hastle of trying to find where am i on the map .. i mean if you can take the IP address and at least open the Google map of the city i am in at the moment (from the IP Address ) that will be more than enought as a start point.

    good luc

  42. Luqman Hakim says:

    Assalamu’alaikum brother!

    Alhamdulillah this is very good! I will implement iframes in my portal to help my countrymen further. With your permission of course 🙂

    May Allah reward you for this excellent effort!

    Salaam from Singapore!

  43. Mohammed Shameer A K says:

    Assalamu-alaikum brother…. You have done an excellent job!! It has helped me in my travels…. May Allah reward you!! JazakAllah Khair…

  44. Khaled says:

    Jazak Allah Khair.

    Dear Brother,

    This a very helpful Site may god reward you inshalla.

    If I may say if you could put some extra effort to this site and if the prayer timings may be added to the major cities that can be found on this website by clicking on the city that is shown on the map.

    God Bless AlUma

  45. rafi says:

    Thank you, this is one of the greatest tools I have seen in a very long time,


  46. This locator is pointing north which is wrong I am living in California, USA. It should point at least to the East South. I need explanation for this so the other muslims will not be missleaded. Thanks.

  47. khalid says:

    May Allah reward you over and over for this great service. It’s very helpful and to make it even more helpful especially for travellers and people on the way who doesn’t know their exact address, I would suggest you 2 things:
    1. mobile access
    2. GPS integration
    luckily google maps have both, the mobile access and the “track location” that uses GPS, so I hope you can use your overlay on their mobile version afer tracking location

    Jazak ALLAH kul khayr

  48. Mohammadu says:


    I start In the name of God, The most gracious the most merciful.

    First of all, i will like to thank ALlah(swt ) for giving you the oppurtunity to develop this service for the muslim ummah free of charge.

    You have done a really nice job, that is why i will like to make a request.

    If you could expose the qibla locator webservice interface methods.As it well help in the expansion and integration in other islamic softwares currently developed.

    Jazakallahu khair. In anticipation of your favourable response

  49. Suriyya says:

    Asslam o alikum,

    jizakallah….its been a great confusion not to locate Qibla since am a new student in Reading University,UK.There is no sunset or rise here to identify Qibla. I must congratulate you for developing this site.initialy i had some problem in locating the place but Hybrid option made it alot easier. Thank you again.

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