
Please post your feedback, questions and comments here.


  1. Robert van Gent says:


    Your Qibla Locator works as a charm! Well done and very useful.

    May I suggest not to use grey, blue or purple texts against a black background – this does not show well on many screens. Why not use a simple white background?

    The qibla direction, geographical data and distance are shown with far too many decimals – their spurious accuracy may confuse users. Four or five decimals should be sufficient and the output bar will look nicer.

    Many non Anglo-Saxon users would prefer to see the distance given in kilometers, not in miles. Why not add an option so that the user can choose the units. Other users may also prefer to have the angular data given in arcminutes and arcseconds instead of decimal degress.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. ibn Mas'ud says:

    Thanks for the great feedback Robert. This is exactly what i’m looking for; feedback from users so I can imporve the application. I’ll definitely look into your suggestions and try and work them in.

  3. JK says:


    Great work!

    I am putting together a website for my mosque and I would like to integrate qibla locator into the website (without requiring to jump out of the site). I’d very much appreciate your feedback on this.


  4. ibn Mas'ud says:

    Wa’alaikum Assalam,
    Jazzakallah Khair. You could use iframes to load this page in your site. That would actually load qibla locator but seem as if it was on your masjids site.

    At the moment I am focusing in fixing some of the bugs with the qibla locator and don’t plan in making a seperate module that essentially does the same thing.


  5. Dr Syed Nisar Hussain Hamdani says:

    I am new in Harvard university Cambridge. The qibla according to this software is in Northeast of Cambridge MA USA, whereas if you look at globe, Saudi Arabia is in the Southeast of Cambridge. This is confusing to find out the rifgt direction of Qibla. Please guide !

  6. ibn Mas'ud says:

    AssalamuAlaikum Dr Hamdani,
    I’m glad you asked that question. Your confusion arises from the fact that you are looking a flat map of the earth. If you were to look at a real spherical globe you would note that the qibla IS indeed in the Northeast. For a detailed explanation I would like to point you to This site also mentions several alternate ways to find out the qibla direction all of which back the direction given by the qibla locator.


  7. Peter says:

    Assalaamu aleykum,

    Like all the others, I really appreciate your site. I am using it to help a local mosque here in UK to get set up properly.

    One point is unclear. Are your bearings in degrees from True North or from Magnetic North? I’m pretty sure it’s True North. Since most people would use your maps in conjunction with a compass, I think that it’s very important that you avoid confusion (and argument!!!) by making this clear.

    Meanwhile, jazaakullah

  8. ibn Mas'ud says:

    Walaikum Assalam Peter,
    Thank you for your comment. You are correct. The North represented in the maps is the True North and NOT the magnetic North. I hope this takes care of any confusion.


  9. Abdoulrahman says:

    As salam Alykum

    This is a great work, may Allah reward you in this life and the day after..

    Would you be welling to share the script you are using with us to integrate with our services, specially the prayer times?

    Please let us know.

  10. Ahmed says:

    This tool is fabulous and gives you the unbeleivable convinience to layout new mosques. I’m an architect and working on a Mosque project in America. I wasn’t sure about the accuracy of the angle your formula provides. So I started applying this locator on some famous existing mosques. Some of them (incl Badshahi Mosque of Lahore of Mughal era) follow truly the direction suggested by the LOCATOR where as many other famous Mosques which are built in recent past show quite noticeable variance from the angle suggested by the locator. Among them are Faisal Mosque of Islamabad and the largest moque in Middle east (other than the Haramain) which is recently built in Muscat Oman. Could you please comment on this. I would be obliged.

  11. Farhan Sayed says:

    Assalamualaikum Brother

    May Allah reward you in abundance for taking this initiative. Great job..


  12. ibn Mas'ud says:

    Assalamu’Alaikum Br Ahmed,

    I’m sorry I couldn’t tend to your question in time. The equations I used for determining the qibla are based upon spherical trigonometry. These were obtained from Dr. Mohibullah N.Durrani’s website at . The accuracy of these equations can be verified and have been verified (read last paragraph) to be almost the same using the method of locating the qibla using the sun which is the most reliable method to date. I would suggest you not to rely on just any one method but use as many possible ways to determine the qibla.

    As far as commenting on the variance of the angle of certain recent masajid I don’t think I have anything to say about it other than use as many methods known in finding the qibla accurately. And Allah knows best.

    Lastly, I would like to ask you to make dua for me and all Muslims. Please try and keep me informed on your findings and the approach you take in finding the qibla.

    Ibn Mas’ud

  13. Salah Sukkarieh says:

    May Allah reward you over and over.

    – Salah

  14. Mehdi says:

    Hi and Happy Ramadan.
    This tool is very usefull. Thanks for providing it. Looking at the direction you show for North China or Mongolia, it does not look correct. Can you check? Also check Greenland …

  15. Mirac Aktepe says:

    Assalam Alaykum Muslim Brother,

    I am studying in Houston, Texas and Ur qibla locator helps me alot.
    Thank you.

  16. Mohammad says:


    Thanks a lot for the nice job. As you correclty
    have mentioned, the direction is given with respect to
    True North. Nevertheless, most people use a compass to
    find the direction, and so, they have the Magnetic
    North instead. As the difference between True and
    Magnetic North could be quite consdierable, do you
    have any suggestion for people who simply use a compass?

    Thanks a lot again,

  17. ibn Mas'ud says:

    Assalamu alaikum ,
    Br Mehdi,The directions given at the locations you mention are correct. Perhaps you might want to readup on this site why this is the correct direction.

    Br Mohammad, One of the main features of the qiblalocator is that one does not need to use a compass at all. Just by looking at the map and locating your surrounding landmarks you can face the qibla by following the red line.

    ibn Mas’ud

  18. Alisher says:

    Assalamu alaikum, from Russia. Thank you for the useful site. May Allah reward you ovet and over!

  19. it’s a great work. and quite interesting in checking on the direction of existing mosques. and immensely useful for new mosque construction.

    please advise on future release or version.

    jazakallahu khayr.

  20. Dr. M. H. Bukhari says:

    Salam Alaikum brother Ibn-e-Mas’ud.
    JazakAllah Khairun for such an excellent effort.

    I recently moved to another place in Houston and wasn’t sure of Qibla direction and Alhamdolillah your website solved the problem. I checked and verified the direction from some cities in U.S. and Pakistan, like Hyderabad, and found it correct.

    Only Allah Subhanahu Wa Tuala can reward your this great service to Islam, we offer sincere gratitude. I must say I am really proud of you!

    Kindest regards,

  21. Assalamu alaikum,

    I am living in Japan and had difficulties to find the qiblah in my home. Thanks to Allah (CC) it was easy to find your homepage using to Google.

    Your website is very usefull and can be good help for all the people who move different countries which lack from common knowlegde of Islam and Qiblah.

    I will write in my Blog about your Qiblah Locator so more people can be helped and find easily the Qiblah.

    My Blog can be found at

    Thanks a lot again,

  22. Yusuf A. says:

    Brilliant idea, like the Muslims of old, using and improving on tools to further the science of astronomy to locate the Holy Kaaba.

    May He forever be pleased with the son of Mas’ud and the father who taught him how to think.

  23. Faisal says:

    Salam Alaikum brother Ibn-e-Mas’ud.
    I recently moved to Netherlands from Bahrain. I was clearly lost out on how to determine the Qiblah direction here. I googled it and found that you have made our lives really easier. This tool is very useful.
    May Allah reward you.

  24. Hus says:

    I would really like to thank you for this program. I just realized that I have been praying in the opposite directoin for the last 5 months. God bless you!

  25. sule yusuf says:

    Assalamualaikum ya brother,
    I write to you from Abuja,Nigeria,where we are trying to set-out a new mosque for construction and are determined to get the orientation in perfect alignment to the holy Kaaba.After a lengthy search on the ‘net i zeroed in on your site which subsequently served our purpose perfectly. I can only say to you – jazakallahu khairan.

  26. Mehmet says:

    Salam Alaikum brother,

    JazakAllah Khairun. Great work. May Allah reward you.


  27. Saeed yasser says:

    Brother Ibn e masud
    Slam o Alikom!!

    May Allah give y millions of ajr and sawab for yr brilliant extra useful work.This is a great gift for those muslim brothers who lives in western countries.As Qibla is one of the signs of unity for Muslims,May Allah gives Toufiq to brings all the hearts of Muslims closer any where in the world,and make them Bunyan Marsoos.All the best.Jazakallah Khair.

  28. Shafaq Abid says:

    Really great website… ever since I moved to the US, I have been locating the qibla by myself, sorting out directions with my Islamic Center’s direction of qibla. I wasn’t very sure ever, but now that my friend referred your website, I am more confident about the qibla directions and happy that I’d be able to locate it where ever I go. Thank you!

  29. Christopher McCoy says:

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Great tool! I am a Muslim and an Architect who designs masjids as part of my practice. We are reasonably technically savvy and have used Google Earn (along with MS Virtual Earth) for a while now. I have written several emails directly to Google with a comparable idea for them to incorporate INTO Google Earth but they’ve never replied. Your program/website seems to use Google Earth, but does not run in it.

    Has Google ever considered incorporating the Qibla locator into the main program? Ideally, the Qibla could be shown graphically as a series of concentric circles growing or eminating outward from the Kabba to any point on earth. This would be an invaluable tool to be able to graphically explain the qibla to Muslims worldwide. Not just locate the Qibla, but EXPLAIN it too. Think about how Google Earth pans from a world view to your location. Perhaps it could do it from the Kabba to your location, following the ever increasing series of concentric circles originating at the Kabba. That’s the idea.

    Furthermore, you may consider a link to This site can calculate the qibla along with prayer times for any location worldwide. It just lacks a graphical interface and explanation.

    Again, GOOD JOB!

  30. Gabby says:

    Dear Brother
    Thank you very much for this service. I am a Muslim Elhamdulillah and living in the US and your website helped me alot. May God give you billions of saevvap for this efficient work.I will prey that May God reward you.

    Sister Gabby

  31. Tahir says:

    Dear Brother

    It is an excellent easy to use method to locate the direction of Qibla. May Allah Bless you and reward you for your efforts.


  32. Zulfiqar Damani says:

    Alhamdoliillah…. 2 good my friend… Inshallah u get everything u need…. I am also a software eng but u have made a good thing…. @least i found qibla in Houston, TX. Thanxl

  33. laila says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته,
    جزاك الله خيرا على اجتهادك,فانا كنت اصلي في اتجاه مخالف تماما للقبلة
    ان شاء الله سوف اعمل على اخبار جميع المسلمين هنا( لقد وجدت هداالموقع صدفة) جزاك الله خيرا.

  34. Omar says:

    Salam aleykom

    Barakara’o fik for your work

    May ALLAH to give you pâradise

    Thanks a lot!

  35. Bilal says:

    Assallam Allaykum,
    Very beneficial indeed; may Allah Almighty bless you and reward your efforts.
    Your brother Bilal from Melbourne, Australia.

  36. […] il y a désormais l’excellent site Qibla Locator, développé par un internaute anglophone, Ibn Mas’ud. Fonctionnement et exemples en […]

  37. MashaAllah Your work is great, InshaAllah definitely you will get millions and millions of rewards from our Lord, and I’m at Sydney, Australia. My small blog’s ( ) visitor using your Qibla locator wherever they Travel to different places its amazing

    Before use your Qibla Locator i tested with different masjid qibla -its unique not much different


    khalid sydney

  38. Ali says:

    Assalamu alaikum dear brother,

    Mashallah it is a excellent tool and Inshallah Allah SWT will reward you for this service.


  39. Aïcha says:

    Dear brother, i am very happy to see that this kind of website exists. It’s a really good idea you had. Thank you for helping us. It’s difficult to pray when we travel and don’t know the direction of Qibla. It will be more easy now. God reward you and all muslims.

  40. Hamid says:

    Dear brother Ibn Masud,
    Assalamo alaikum,

    I was thinking to use Google maps for finding directions based on heuristics. But to my intense surprise, you have already provided a nice and accurate way of doing the same. May the Almighty Allah reward you for your efforts. Jazakallah,
    Salamo alaikum,

  41. Huda says:

    Very Useful tool, specially for travellers.

  42. Ahsan Chudhary says:

    Your application is wonderful. You solved my problem. This is a good use of technology.

    Jazakallahu Khayran

  43. Jamil Alio says:

    Dear brother ,
    your website works like a charm …
    I think you should modify the section under “How to use this map” by :

    1- removing the phrase “US only” that is written after Zip Code, I live in the UK and I entered my zip code and the tool worked perfectly

    2- adding translations to this section helping non-English speaking users to use the tool

    thank you for this great tool and Jazak Allahu Kheran…

  44. farooq azam says:

    Allah reward you for this great effort to help find the qibla direction.
    8803 hayshed ln columbia md 21045 usa.

  45. Khurram Khan says:


    This tool very helpful.Thank you so much and keep up the good work

  46. Umair says:

    Wallah thats is great and easy to use. jazakallah

  47. Jazak Allahu Khairan,
    There is a very useful application.
    I’ve read Laila’s post, and I would almost tear in cry, to feel how would an individual can change lives remotely.

    May Allah Reward You Brother.

  48. Nacer says:

    Assalamou alaïkoum,

    I think that could be only one in this world to think about this projetc and that was you ibn Mas’ud.

    The map works as if by magic.

    Thank you for your efforts.

    Allah bless you.

  49. Brian says:

    Assalaamu alaikum
    Great Job!!!
    I just wanted to inform you that I put a link from our association’s website to your locater. hope you don’t mind.

  50. noreen kazi says:

    Absolutely brilliant. Im so happy that I can now say my friday prayers at work knowing that I am praying in the right direction.

    God bless you.

    kindest regards


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